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The Department of Linguistics at Queen Mary is one of the largest linguistics departments in the UK

3rd in London for Linguistics

(Complete University Guide League Tables 2021)

We are a large and diverse department, and we welcome an equally diverse range of students. You might find yourself studying a little-known language such as Fijian with a native speaker, collecting data on changing London English on the streets of the East End, designing an experiment to measure phonological perception in bilingual children, or selecting features for a language of your own in Professor David Adger’s module on language construction.

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Ever since stepping foot into Queen Mary I have been involved with many new opportunities like being course representative, student ambassador, Unibuddy ambassador, book club writer and satire editor for student media, clearing hotline operator, mentor for the buddy scheme and volunteering officer. I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy my experience which allows my passion for writing to flourish.
— Zoe Malik, English Language and Linguistics BA (second year)

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