The Basic Facts About Women in Poverty

Women, especially women of color, in the United States are more likely to live in poverty than men, and they need robust, targeted solutions to ensure their long-term economic security.


Kicking Folks Out While They’re Down

The early lifting of pandemic restrictions strains emergency housing and homelessness efforts and will exacerbate evictions, foreclosures, and the decades-old housing and homelessness crises.


Lawmakers Must Strengthen SNAP in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

As the COVID-19 outbreak—and its effects on the economy—continues to spread across the United States, it is vital for lawmakers to take immediate steps to strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in order to protect those who are most vulnerable.


Promise and Opportunity Deferred

Reforming the United States’ place-based investment framework is no easy feat, but for the sake of equity, it is well worth the endeavor.