AEA Journals

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American Economic Review

American Economic Review is a general-interest economics journal. Established in 1911, the AER is among the nation's oldest and most respected scholarly journals in economics.

American Economic Review: Insights

AER: Insights is designed to be a top-tier, general-interest economics journal publishing papers of the same quality and importance as those in the AER, but devoted to publishing papers with important insights that can be conveyed succinctly.

Journal of Economic Literature

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), first published in 1969, is designed to help economists keep abreast of and synthesize the vast flow of literature.

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics publishes papers focusing on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance.

AEA Papers and Proceedings

AEA Papers and Proceedings is published once a year and contains selected papers and discussions of papers presented at the annual meeting published along with reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, Journal Editors and Committee Chairs.