How do I subscribe to the Vox Weekly Digest email

To subscribe to the Vox Weekly Digest email, you must set up a Vox account

Once you have created an account and logged in, select the "My Account" link in the top right hand corner of any page.

The "My Account" page allows you to update your email address, change your password and setup a signature for posting comments on Vox content.  It is now also possible for you to manage your subscription to Vox email newsletters.

How do I subscribe?

To subscribe to the Vox Weekly Digest, select the "my newsletters" link on your account page.

On the my newsletters page, tick the box next to Vox Weekly Digest and select Submit.

Your "My account" page will now reload and show you as subscribed to the Vox Weekly Digest email.

How do I unsubscribe?

To unsubscribe, simply select the "my newsletters" link under Manage Subscriptions. 

Untick the Vox Weekly Digest email and click Submit.  You are now unsubscribed from the list.