How to safely reopen the economy

Harvard’s Danielle Allen discusses a new report with guidelines for cities and states on how to safely reopen.
5:36 | 05/13/20

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Transcript for How to safely reopen the economy
And as we reported earlier doctor found she warns and while we're headed in the right direction of opening the country prematurely. Could lead to another outbreak so when will we know it's okay to reopen and how should we go about it. The new partisan report from Harvard offers specific guidelines for states to follow depending on their situations rather than a one size fits all approach to lead author of that report Danielle Allen. Joins us now Danielle thanks so much for (%expletive) coming on the show. You're going to be here things and I knew as soon you group has a color coding guide for states to follow tell us exactly what you're recommending. Important you sit CNN's bill energy and cost. Entries are eating Athens Georgia greens Yahoo! doesn't read sentenced. At this way actually are written greens greens are there isn't the case says Clinton's don't work rat. The difference the country should be testing. According to go. The problems that happen like casting contact tracing and yet according never doubts her day that you're seeing this is the. Kathy needed answered yeah the country are amended and rents so for example access and are again. I don't need a mass testing CR and New Jersey and Massachusetts need. Really important thing to understand very different kinds of different skills and testing increasing programs in different parts of the country. And obviously your model and for reopening relies heavily on the idea of testing calling for five million tests today. Second costs 74 billion dollars over the next twelve to eighteen months why is that investment so important in your opinion. Yeah I didn't ask this points could understand how important because Andrea 300. Dollars per Lima. It's and 74 billion effort up to eighteen months is eight. Barry sought out in comparison to the cost of Pakistan who murders so what testing and Tracy does is trying to slow. The disease suppression. That is just current post at home worst. It does not hurt your economy quest. So there's the disease can circulate that. Applications of largely susceptible meaning so. Largely done about this in eagle population yes. Even if you the other means you need to continue to control the disease and that did you down isn't buying this chain of transmission. As one person can't. The infractions when Larry you'd make contact tracing let me introduce you to transmission breast and asthma who test positive to isolate. Our time didn't we fourteen days I think you can at least let the stress reducer problems in the country and the goal here. Then you're report offers guidance specifically to states but what I don't for the average person how can invest judge the risk of of going out in and doing certain activities. So slow the colts meet. You make weapons or standards for testing contact Traci should be was too. Meet a little world in which people can make individual risk decisions and judgments and to be sensible. So we do and I argued and report that if you are and other brands. I went that's more than one. It pirates in circulation for example in New Jersey rent out 103 people is currently in access figure it. And it really is it to stick with no borders and advisories. Helping to bring the Kremlin downs without contribution. If you're in the yellow area rather it's more moderate. And. He is in place you can go about your activities if you're not a high risk group began highly vulnerable population EG what we're now. Genius to keep you nervous about for everybody I think they weren't immediately got to move around. The worst are doing is you who are in high risk rears its indirect don't. I mean should keep insult I stay at home. They yeah. The car because they are at risk they have been there Chris got me every sitting around do you advise older populations. Conchita shelter home as we all work toward a vaccine. I'm Natalie. It will make their own judgment calls and agreed to rent and be the important thing. And that authorities since the space you tell people what the crowd was well it is how common is this the impacts and what not. Chris you actually half. And hang on just lastly based on your day NN your research is there one thing that you're noticing one trends. That has you particularly concerned. The anti gay two weeks ago when we started trying to map out these. Location specific recommendations that. Countries still have greens Adams. Again those are things as matters almost note pirates president. And we let it hasn't yet it's wonderful to see and we know wouldn't take anymore and I. The data keep those green to avoid any college prep wants a bill that she weak wind mascot Gembara Marines as a country. And so all the whole we are these seeing sorry winds increasing. Probably even. Coming to power in places like New York City or Washington I'm dessert sort of pictured them. Yeah all the matter is there really are there problems this president and from from knee is still really sad because. They. Striking how are you that early stage that. Let's not create a bigger beginning they have a chance to block it in its tracks they can do it and then getting that message out he's really critical. Danielle Allen from Harvard University thanks so much for your time and your insight we appreciate it. Think you appreciate it.

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